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October 2016

That Ice Melts Quickly Out Here

RaceSaver™ Bag Takes on the Ironman® World Championships

1024 683 Patrick

The RaceSaver™ Bag Team travelled to the Big Island in Hawaii for the Ironman® World Championships. Our goals was to test the RaceSaver™ Bag in the most unfriendly weather conditions possible.

The heat and humidity on the Big Island, combined with the reflective power of the lava, combine to create a crucible of conditions that can bring even the fittest and most prepared athletes to their knees.

We are pleased to report that the bag was a success…our athletes used the bags in training and on race day, as you’ll see below.

Even better, we got some great feedback from everyone including industry partners, on how we can improve it. Enjoy our photos below and remember you can get your own RaceSaver™ Bag anytime in our online store.

RaceSaver™ Bag On the Ground in Hawaii

RaceSaver™ Bag On the Ground in Hawaii…literally.


Feeling the Heat from the Lava

Patrick Feeling the Heat from the Lava


Dirk Making Sure He Gets Every Piece of Ice Possible

Dirk Making Sure He Gets Every Piece of Ice Possible

Carol Headed Out of T2 For a Little Marathon!

Carol Headed Out of T2 For a Little Marathon!


Jeremy Staying Cool at Mile One

Jeremy Staying Cool at Mile One


Steve Flying Down Ali'i Drive with his RSB

Steve Flying Down Ali’i Drive with his RSB


That Ice Melts Quickly Out Here

That Ice Melts Quickly Out Here